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Our Project Goals

Autorenbild: Naturpark Karwendel x MCINaturpark Karwendel x MCI

Naturpark Karwendel defined four goals which are pursued by the association. These goals concern protection of nature, recovery and tourism, environmental education and finally knowledge and research. Regarding environmental education Naturpark Karwendel mainly focuses on enhancing environmental knowledge and awareness at a young age. Therefore, six corporations with primary schools situated around the Naturpark were formed. The Naturpark supports the schools and teachers with practical excursions and learning material.

The aim of our project is to focus on the objective of environmental education and thus evaluate the six collaborations with primary schools to ensure the highest level of quality. By interviewing teachers who are in charge of the nature park project we hope to get some useful information concerning the former years of collaboration. Moreover parents, whose children are attending a nature park school, will be asked to fill out a survey concerning the meaningfulness and importance of environmental education. By collecting this information, suggestions for optimisation and expansion-possibilities will be introduced. While enhancing these cooperations, we will also support the objective of Naturpark Karwendel, to increase environmental knowledge and awareness of students at a young age. When these students increase their understanding of the protection of nature and environment, they will get the chance to live and act in a way that will sustain our existence in the years to come. In addition to the evaluation and optimization of the collaborations we also aim for a well-functioning communication with the project partner, the MCI and within the project group.

We would be happy, if you give us some feedback.

Best regards, project team Naturpark Karwendel!

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